Vaccination - Sin or Salvation?

Vaccination - Sin or Salvation?

There has been a lot of controversy lately about the coronavirus vaccine, so the UECB President Peter Mitskevich answered our questions about it.

- Peter, has anyone asked you about your stance on the Covid-19 vaccination?

- In our denomination, several regional pastors asked what is the position of the Russian Baptist Union regarding vaccination. Even at a meeting in the Euro-Asian Federation, where the heads of the Baptist unions in the countries of the former USSR gather, they raised this issue. I would like to note that in order to answer this question, everyone must understand who they are, because this defines his area of ​​responsibility and expertise. If I am a librarian, then I am responsible for order in the institution entrusted to me, for the safety of books, serving readers, etc. If I am a teacher, I am responsible for the quality of teaching my students, for the choice of programs and methods, etc. Doctors are responsible for the treatment of their patients, for understanding new developments at the most modern level, etc. Parents are responsible for raising children. As Christians, we also have our own area of ​​responsibility - we are called to spread the good news of Christ. Pastors should preach Christ and be caring about the hearts of people. We don’t need to bring confusion to issues we don’t have authority over, but we are to deal with spiritual issues.

- Is the issue of vaccination spiritual?

- Every profession has its own specialists. Accordingly, it is necessary to separate spiritual and medical issues. I do not want to give advice on how to do heart surgery, how to treat oncology, or what drugs to prescribe for a particular disease. This is a question for doctors. If a person has a toothache, he does not go to a tailor, he goes to a dentist. Before visiting a doctor, believers usually pray that God will send a good doctor and that the right treatment will be prescribed. Our modern epidemic has shown how important it is to pray for doctors. The position of the Russian UECB is simple: there are spiritual issues, for which the Church is responsible, and there are issues of the government. For example, where to build roads, what cities to build, with whom to make or break alliances ... Do we have the right to express our opinion on these issues? Yes, as citizens of this country, but we do not decide which trains to build and with what materials. We do not decide how to treat which diseases, and we do not develop a drug for this. So in terms of treating the coronavirus, we Christians do not decide how to treat it, because this is left to the specialists.

- But can pastors give advice to members of the Church?

- The Church must first of all engage in spiritual work: prayer, preaching, serving one's neighbor. Christ in the High Priestly Prayer said: “I do not pray that You take them out of the world, but that You keep them from the evil one ... As You sent Me into the world, [so] I also sent them into the world” (John 17:16,18) ... The church is not separated from the world, it serves in the world - it takes a proactive position in society. Bringing medicine, visiting a sick person, preparing food for a hungry person is the ministry of a Christian. Christians are not called to isolation; they are called to ministry. In caring for our neighbor, we intersect with people of different professions. We can even partially fulfill some professional functions for these people, but this does not mean that we have become doctors or drivers or social workers. The proactive position of the Church implies concern for the safety of those people to whom we reach. During an epidemic, a mask and gloves are enough for someone, while someone decides to get vaccinated. I see no sin in the vaccine itself. There is no recommendation in the Holy Scriptures to be vaccinated, but there is no prohibition either.

- Does the Bible say anything about doctors?

- Besides Jesus being called to heal the sick, I want to share something from the book called: "The Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirakhov.” About doctors it says, "Honor the doctor because he cares for your house.” Elsewhere it is said that herbs and many other things were created by God and should be used for treatment. Also it says: "Whoever sins will fall into the hands of a doctor." I worked as a doctor in my youth and noticed that the same disease in different people turns out differently for each person. The treatment could be the same, but one gets better and the other doesn’t. Why? Humanly, you can come up with an explanation: maybe an expired medicine or had a weaker strain of an illness. We can only say that everything depends on God.

- Why get vaccinated then?

- How do vaccines work? A small part of the dead virus is introduced into the body so that the body begins to fight and antibodies are developed. After that, even if a person gets sick, he only suffers mildly. I see no sin in this. I see it as a matter of faith. If a person does not believe that a vaccination will help him, then it will probably won’t. All treatments are related to faith. Doctors call this a psychological effect. Any pill taken with faith that it will help, usually has a positive effect. If we do not believe, then even good medicine will not help well. "It will be done to you according to your faith" (Matt. 9:29).

- But people are afraid ...

- Yes, fear paralyzes. "But Jesus, hearing these words, immediately says to the ruler of the synagogue: do not be afraid, only believe!" (Mark 5:36). You can be afraid and criticize everything, from family to church, society, and every last detail in the world. But life goes on, and we continue to work, our children go to school, so we need to decide how to act in these conditions. In principle, I have a positive attitude towards vaccinations. Vaccinations have done a lot of good from the standpoint of medical history. When the first vaccinations against smallpox, measles, etc. were invented, so many people were rescued! The epidemics from these diseases stopped. Now, newborns are given their first vaccinations only hours after birth. My wife and I had all of our children vaccinated. In the modern world, entire institutes are working on vaccines. We live in a time when everyone is sick with something and Christians as well. Some people get illnesses in old age, but they do appear. And life experience shows that the most effective remedy for epidemics is vaccination. Therefore, I have a positive attitude towards vaccinations. And I'm ready to get vaccinated against Covid-19. I can't now, because I have already been sick and recently recovered from Covid-19. But my antibodies will diminish over time, so when the time is right, I will be vaccinated.

- Are you sure of your decision?

- The testimony of a pastor I know has strengthened me in my decision. I myself had been ill in a mild form, and he said that he had been sick twice already, and the second time was very difficult. Over the past two months 20 of his friends died from coronavirus. You should not think that if this infection has not touched you or you didn’t get sick that bad, that you will not get (re)infected. People should not underestimate this danger! But also do not go to any extremes, or support any conspiracy theories. God gives us reason, so take a sober look at the situation, assess the risks and decide whether you need to be vaccinated or not.

- Which vaccine do you recommend?

- Now there are many vaccines, even for the new disease Covid-19, there are about 10 of them, only in our country there are already three vaccines for this disease. How do you choose? Trust the specialists. They already bear responsibility before God and people.

- Where is the best place to vaccinate? In Russia?

- If you look at what is happening in the world, vaccinations are now being done everywhere. For example, in Israel, half of the population has already been vaccinated. By the end of the year, they hope to vaccinate the entire population of the country. In the USA, in Europe, vaccination is in full swing. I would like to note that this is possible only in civilized countries. And I am grateful to the leadership of our country, which redirected funds for the invention of a vaccine, for free vaccination of the entire population. As I understand, only our country gives it for free. In many places of the world, like Africa, this isn’t possible. Just think, thousands of people die there without any choice, and even civilized countries who have the vaccines do not give them for free. But we do, and people still grumble. One MBS teacher testified how he fell ill with covid in Moscow, and doctors came to his home, prescribed treatment, and gave him medicines free of charge. I think you can be thankful for that.

- Some say that you have to wait, say a year, and then get vaccinated ...

- But how are we to live this year... In isolation again? We are seeing the incidence of sickness decline in Moscow after many have been vaccinated. So this method works! But Moscow is a city of many millions with 3 major airports and 7 railway stations. We cannot isolate ourselves from the world, which means we need to protect ourselves and get vaccinated.

- What other reasons are there to get vaccinated soon?

- Many things are being evaluated and revised because of new insecurities developed by Covid-19, especially how we can travel abroad. The PCR test has already become mandatory everywhere, and there is talk of introducing vaccination passports. If you want to feel calm while travelling around, it would be good to get vaccinated and get such a passport.

- Will you also need a vaccination passport to visit the church?

- Taking care not only of myself, but also of others, I would recommend everyone to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. But of course this is optional for attending church.  Everyone should decide for himself: to do it or not. There is freedom of choice in the church. In the same way that we give the freedom to take the oath or not, the person must make a decision about vaccination and be responsible for it.

- The coronavirus vaccine is a new phenomenon, because of this people do not know what to expect ...

- I do not support conspiracy theories. I do not like the fact that distrust towards medicine and doctors is sown in society. There are always rumors. People have always been afraid of new things. My grandfather told me how in his time they were afraid of steam locomotives: “There used to be horses! And here? What a monster to destroy the population !? " And the radio? The first radio was perceived by Christians as a demonic mouthpiece. Conspiracy theories are constantly in use, so it is strange that people buy  this in the 21st century. The impact of the media and social media is evident here. “He who keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from harm” (Prov. 21:23). How to resist rumors? You need to learn, improve your level of education, broaden your horizons.

- They also say that this epidemic is a sign of the end of the world ...

- Let's not forget that in human history, there have already been worse epidemics, like the Bubonic plague, when 2/3 of the European population died. However, I will say that you need to be ready for the coming of the Lord. Not because of the pandemic, but because we don't know when He will come back. We must be ready at any moment and live every day like the last. We must be spiritually strong, knowing in whom we believe, and hold fast to this hope, praying “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done” (Matt. 6:10). "Yes, come, Lord!" (Rev. 22:20). The media is escalating the situation, giving a lot of negative information, showing various horrible things, and people are under the influence of this negativity, which of course influences their thoughts and behavior. But Christians have a joyful, good news, so let's share it,

- Your advice to all who are in doubt?

- Love the Lord, live life to the fullest, and rejoice! God has measured out each of our lives, and life is short. But it is impossible to live every afraid to go to public places. May the Lord lead each of us. For some, God gives many years to some and for others - less. In either case He says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). The Apostle Paul did not know rest before believing, he was “breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord” (Acts 9:1). And now many breathing indignation and disgust, even Christians breathe dissatisfaction in society and in the church. This is from God, but from the enemy who seeks to sow weeds and discord. But, the love of God can cover anything, and our faith can move mountains. Don't murmur, but believe in Christ and the life-changing gospel! And God will give you strength and sound understanding, and help you make your decision. Amen.

Interviewed by Yulia Vdovina

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