Praying and Fasting for a Spiritual Awakening in Russia

Praying and Fasting for a Spiritual Awakening in Russia

In 2021, on the 21st of every month, the brotherhood of Russian Baptists are praying and fasting for the spiritual awakening of Russia! This month was dedicated to praying for the evangelism of children (Luke 18:16).

There are 25 million children in Russia between the ages of 0 and 15, so pray for the children and families in your communities. After all this is where our evangelism begins! (Joshua 24:15)

PRAY for the ministry of church Sunday schools, as they often include not only children from the families of church members, but also children from non-Christian families. And there are often cases when parents come to faith in Christ after their children. Pray that children and adolescents will not be "lost" in the transition from Sunday School to youth. “Then the children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray” (Mat.19:13).

PRAY for children's camps, field trips and playground outreaches this summer! For children's parties, matinees, concerts! “Brothers, join in imitating me and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us” (Col. 3:17).

PRAY for ministry among orphans! There are about half a million of them in Russia, 84% of them have living parents, but cannot support them. Pray for work directly in children's institutions: orphanages, shelters, boarding schools. There, along with social work, the gospel seed is sown in children's hearts, friendships are made and many events are organized with the aim of improving the lifestyle of children and their all-round development. “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).

PRAY for families who have adopted children from all kinds of institutions into their families. Pray that as many more Christian families would consider adoption.

PRAY for Children’s literature to be published of various kinds: Children's Bibles, stories, educational books, parenting manuals, etc. That the gospel would be heard because it is read and those materials would be in the hands of families and children.

Jesus himself showed us an example of how children should be treated and their right to be in the Church and be loved by God and by those who love God, so let’s love them well and pray for them, not just today but until the next day of prayer...April 21!


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