Online Conference: Mass Media after the Pandemic - Increasing the efficiency of information ministry”

Online Conference: Mass Media after the Pandemic - Increasing the efficiency of information ministry”

On April 8-9, 2021, Euro-Asian Federation of the UECB organized this conference, and leadership of the different Unions and Associations and representatives of the media from Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia were invited to participate.

The program consisted of 4 sections:

The first session was attended by representatives of the leadership of the ECB Unions and Associations and the media and was opened by the UECB President Peter Mitskevich. Yuri Apatov provided introductory information about the conference.

Reports were made on the following topics:

  • “Digital Heaven or Hell. Answering the Challenges of the Digitalization Era ”. (Alexander Gyrbu).
  • "Personal Media" (Evgeny Bakhmutsky, Yuri Sipko).

At the end of the session, Grigory Komendant spoke with words of blessing for the further work of the conference. 

The second session was attended by representatives of the media. Vasily Trubchik opened the session with a short speech and prayer, after which the participants were presented - a media clip.

  • "Social networks: to catch and not to be caught?" which was conducted by Lev Grinfeld.

Discussion Panel

  • Peter Mitskevich, Sergey Sannikov, Nikolay Voziyan, Ivan Mileev, Ilya Danilyuk, Grigory Komendant

The third session was attended by representatives of the media. After a short speech and prayer by Andreas Patz, the conference participants were divided into sections:

  1. Radio ministry in the era of digitalization (Nikolay Kobzev, Dmitry Vatulya)
  2. State-church relations and the media (Viktor Ignatenkov, Vladimir Romanenko).
  3. Budget studio for video services (Lev Grinfeld).
  4. Church media (Peter Mikhalchuk)
  5. Useful technologies, including the organization of Zoom conferences (Ivan Trusov)
  6. How to organize and promote a channel on YouTube (Ayur Vanzhilov).
  7. Relevant content - Themes and personalities (Andreas Patz, Vasily Trubchik).
  8. Youth media fads - Tik Tok (Vitaly Zanin).
  9. Traditional mass media on the Internet (Anatoly Yakobchuk).
  10. How to turn a raw text into a good article (Denis Gostev).

The fourth session was attended by representatives of the leadership of the ECB Unions and Associations and the media. Nikolay Voziyan opened the session with a short speech and prayer, then Yuri Apatov summed up the results of the conference. After a short discussion, the project for the creation of a common UECB information channel was approved.

The closing prayer was made by Franz Thyssen.

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