Mitskevich Interview: on the 6th Gathering of Christian Interfaith Advisory Committee (CIAC)

Mitskevich Interview: on the 6th Gathering of Christian Interfaith Advisory Committee (CIAC)

UECB President Peter Mitskevich shares his impressions regarding his participation in the 6th Gathering of the Christian Interfaith Advisory Committee.

The main theme of the plenary session of the Christian Interfaith Advisory Committee:  “The Power of the Gospel and Modern Society.” Every modern-day Christian in society is worried about how to live spiritually and how to influence the community in which he lives. In fact, society also greatly affects the Church and Christians. So how can we be salt and light in modern society? The head of the large Christian denominations of Russia have asked themselves these important questions.

The Russian UECB participated in this plenary session, asking questions, emphasizing the relevance of the topic raised, and agreeing with the voiced gospel principle that the church should be light and salt in this world. “The gospel shows us Christ, who is the Mediator of a beautiful new covenant. It is this ‘Lord’ who gives peace to our hearts, who transforms every believer.” ~ Mitskevich

This gathering was not just a formal meeting. Great importance was made to call out in prayer. That each person would to turn to the Gospel, to the God of this amazing Gospel. After all, one finds true happiness in the Lord; not in acquiring great wealth, not in owning many factories, yachts, oil wells and gold mines. Happiness is when a person finds peace in God. Christ calls out: “Come to Me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest ... Come to Me and learn from Me, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11: 28-29)

But, unfortunately, today most people live in hustle and bustle. The modern world is mired in debauchery, has lost eternal values, and does not understand the meaning of life. We can take good care of our bodies, but if we do not take care of our soul, all will be lost. May God bless each of us to take good care of our souls.

Most likely, each of us thinks about unity with God, and about how the Lord opened the possibility for each denomination to present the gospel. We are Baptists, but we do not preach baptism, we preach Christ the crucified and risen Savior, who is coming again. This is what we value. We do not say that a particular denomination saves - Orthodoxy, Catholicism or Protestantism. We say: "Christ saves!!!” He is the power of the gospel. He is the answer to every issue in our modern world!

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