By the great grace of God, we were able to bring the Gospel and food packages to the residents of Yakutia, Mirninsky and Lensky districts.
On the first day of spring, as March rain sprinkled and the bright sun shone in the open blue skies, the Central Tambov Baptist Church "Truth" organized a multi-regional women's conference "Living by the Word".
On February 27, 2025, NTV TV network aired a story about the restoration of the "House of the Gospel" in St. Petersburg
The 12th annual "Children's Music and Poetry Festival" has just finished. Children's groups, choirs, orchestras, trios, duets, solos, ensembles with joy and childlike warmth met and glorified God through the language of creativity.
February 15-16, 2025, a practical musical conference was held in the capital of the Republic of Khakassia, the city of Abakan.
From January 30 to February 2, 2025, young people gathered from all over Russia to the “Generation for Christ” conference (GFC 2025), held in Moscow by the Russian UECB Youth Department.
In January 2025, the twentieth festival called "Epiphany Evenings" took place. It was held at two venues in St. Petersburg: in the Cathedral of St. Mary and in the Great Hall of St. Petersburg State University of Art.
On January 25, 2025, an edifying pastor’s conference of the Pskov region was held with UECB V.P. Viktor Ignatenkov participating.
From January 18-20, 2025, the UECB Vice President Viktor Ignatenkov travelled to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), for the purpose of visiting the brotherhood UECB churches in the cities of Mirny and Lensk. Yakutia Regional Pastor, Yegor Mikhalev accompanied Ignatenkov.
On January 14, 2025, journalist Zoya Alekseevna Bardina passed away.
And so 2024 has flown by…
“Peace be with you!” These are the words with which Christ greeted his disciples when he met them after his resurrection.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday for everyone! Merry Christmas!
December 6-7, 2024 in the “House of Prayer for all the Nations” Church in Ufa, a conference was held for children’s and teenager ministry workers. Led by speakers O. Mitskevich and A. Pilipenko of Moscow.
From December 6 to 8, 2024, a Conference "The Family According to the Word of God", was held in the city of Yakutsk. More than 120 people came from the regions of Yakutia, representing various churches.
On December 1, 2024, at the Baptist Church in Tambov, a seminar was held by Denis Kutuzov, co-pastor of Moscow’s Calvary church.
On November 22-23, 2024, the annual All-Russian women’s conference “Hoping in the Lord” was held at the Christian Center (Ramenskoye, Moscow Region).
On November 14–16, 2024, the forum of UECB churches of the Southern Russia region was held in Rostov-on-Don.
On November 19, 2024, the National Spiritual Prayer Breakfast (NSPB) was held at Moscow’s Hyatt Regency Hotel in conjunction with all Christian denominations of Russia.
On December 6, 2024, the next meeting of the UECB Theological Society will take place at the Moscow Theological Seminary. This time, the topic of the meeting is: "Personal theological views in the context of the church community."
Recently, the Tambov UECB Central Church held a traditional Evening of Remembrance of Christian Martyrs.
The UECB Dzerzhinsk Church in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, celebrated the 140th anniversary of the UECB Denomination on November 3rd.
Today, November 4, the youngest Russian national holiday is celebrated – “National Unity Day”.
The educational event “The Ministry and History of Russian Evangelical Christians-Baptists” was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the evangelical awakening among the highest Russian aristocracy and the 140th anniversary of the official formation of the Union of Russian Baptists. It was held on October 26-27 at Moscow’s Calvary Church.
On October 19, 2024, a training seminar for preachers was held in Smolensk. The Belarussian UECB President, and Director of the Minsk Theological Seminary Leonid Mikhovich was the main seminar teacher.
On October 3-5, 2024, the Christian Forum "Multiplying-2024" was held in Yekaterinburg. The beautiful Ural city warmly welcomed more than 400 missionaries, ministers, and other and believers from 22 regions of Russia. And with live broadcast, several thousand people attended this event online.
The capital city of Cheboksary, in Chuvashia, became the venue for a regional music conference on October 5, 2024. The UECB Central Church hosted music ministers and pastors from Tatarstan, the Nizhny Novgorod region and Chuvashia region.
On November 22-23, 2024, the Nationwide Sisterly Conference of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (UECB) will be held on the theme “Hoping in the Lord.”
On September 27-28, a conference for ministry leaders of children and teenagers was held in Yakutsk. The event was attended by more than 40 people from the capital and region, representing the Baptist Brotherhood.
From September 11-23, 2024, the Russian UECB VP, Viktor Ignatenkov was on a working trip to the territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Region.
The seminar "Tools of Evangelism and Cultural Missionary Work in the Modern Era" was held in the UECB Tambov Church "Truth" for their Harvest Festival. The seminar was led by Baptist pastor Igor Popov, from the city of Mytishchi.
On September 2-7, the 60th Congress of the Euro-Asian Federation of Unions of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (UECB) was held in Georgia.
On October 26-27, 2024, Calvary Church of Moscow will host a historical and educational conference “The Mission of Evangelical Baptists (UECB) in Russian History.”
This southern Russian Forum will be held in Rostov-on-Don on November 14-16, 2024. This is the second forum in this area, encouraging evangelism development in various ways to build-up Christ’s Church and influence modern society.
On August 21, 2024, a leadership summit of the Baptist Union departments was held at the UECB headquarters in Moscow.
Back in November 24-25, 2023, at the All-Russian Conference in Moscow, the Leadership of the Baptist Union (UECB) approved new Women's Department Leadership under the direction of Anastasia Bak. This was the first fruits of that decision.
The Council of Russian Baptist UECB Churches took place from July 25 to 28, 2024, in the Bryansk region, at the camp called "Yolochka" or (Pine Forest)
The Congress of the Evangelical Christian Baptist Churches was held from July 25 to 28, 2024, in Bryansk on the territory of the Christian base "Pine Forest". The motto of this forum was the Biblical phrase: "Fight the good fight of faith" (1 Tim. 6:12).
June 24-29, 2024, in the city of Maykop, at the Neva campground, the teenage conference: Live Today - “To Be Genuine, Not just seem like it” was held. 350 teenagers from more than 39 churches and 175 team members from 27 churches took part. The main speaker was Frans Louis. The conference was organized by the regional teenage ministry "Live Today".
For several days, Konevets Island hosted the participants of the 3rd Christian Youth Forum, held with the blessing of Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. It is a platform for discussing issues that have arisen among representatives of various faiths…
UECB Hope Church in Southern Caucasus Mountain region held a children's camp "Laboratory of Perfection"
The first commandment given by God to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it” (Gen. 1:28). It was only possible to fulfill this command of the Almighty within the framework of the family.
In memory of the holiday of Epiphany, June 23, 2024, 9 people made a covenant with the Lord, having been baptized at Moscow’s UECB Central Church
On June 23, 2024, a great celebration took place in the UECB Church of Hola Prystan, Kherson region: Baptism.
In St. Petersburg, June 13-15, 2024, the Russian UECB held the All-Russian Ministers Conference “Christ, Our Hope and Consolation.”
On June 18, 2024, UECB President Peter Mitskevich, along with VP Victor Ignatenkov took part in a meeting with high Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. The meeting took place in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow, where leaders and representatives of different Protestant denominations were invited.
On June 4-6, 2024, the Summit of the Heads of Protestant Churches of Russia was held in St. Petersburg, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary meeting of the Consultative Council of the Heads of Protestant Churches (CCHPC).
The long-awaited summer has come! Children experience the greatest joy from the onset of the warm season and blossoming nature. After all, summer is a vacation, it is rest in camps, at country homes and resorts... It is freedom, joy and bright expectations…
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, the first service took place in the House of the Gospel, St. Petersburg.
The annual youth conference "Foundation" with the topic "Who are you, Lord?" held at the Christian camp of the UECB "Brookside" on May 10-12, 2024.
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