“Biblical strategy for youth ministry” - Training Module Program

“Biblical strategy for youth ministry” - Training Module Program

September 16 - 24, in the UECB Moscow building, the latest training module took place for the Youth Ministers Training Program, conducted by the Youth Department of the Union since 2008.

Nineteen students came to the module from Belarus to as far away as Far East Siberia. Brothers who serve the younger generation (18-35 year olds) in their local churches came to study to be inspired by vision, learn from experience, gain new competencies, feel brotherhood and look and become even more like Christ!

The completed training module on the topic “Biblical Strategy for Youth Ministry” was aimed at teaching students to form a biblical vision of youth ministry in a modern context, set the right goals for the future, and learn lessons from the past. It also included the teaching of hermeneutics as the basic rules of interpretation and application of Scripture on which all Christian ministry is built. In total, throughout the module the brothers studied the following topics:

  • Understanding the current generation of youth
  • History of Youth Ministry
  • Hermeneutics
  • Biblical Foundations of Youth Ministry
  • Formation of a biblical strategy for youth ministry
  • Youth Ministry Ecosystem
  • External Youth Ministry Strategy
  • Internal Strategy for Youth Ministry
  • Gaining Vision and Strategic Leadership
  • Vision, Strategy and Tactics for Youth Ministry
  • Purpose Driven Youth Ministry

In addition to training, active extracurricular activities were organized for the students of the Program: visiting churches, meeting the Christian youth of the city, excursions around Moscow, communicating with like-minded ministers and much more!

Due to the fact that the recruitment of new students to the Program occurs on each module, graduation also occurs on each module. This time, four brothers received certificates of successful completion of their studies. As a graduation project, they prepared and held a youth meeting for students and youth of Moscow churches.

For information about why this program was created, who will find it useful, and students’ impressions, watch this video (in Russian):

Now the remaining students who are continuing their studies, as well as those who are just entering the Program, will gather for the next module “Pastorology”, which will take place immediately after the “Generation for Christ” conference, February 5 to 11, 2024. All the details of the Program, as well as the opportunity to apply for training, can be found on the website  http://imolod.ru/faculty


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