Despite the sudden snowfall and cold weather, 250 men from various regions of Russia arrived for brotherly fellowship and spiritual growth in Tambov. As another year from God was concluding, participants shared their joys and sorrows with one another. It is not a coincidence that the words of the psalmist were chosen as the motto and main theme of this year's conference: “Only in God is my soul at rest” (Ps. 61:2).
How can a Christian maintain inner peace and tranquility in such troubling, difficult times? How do we not drift away from the heavenly source of peace? What prevents you from having peace in God? How to be an example of calm for others? For two days, the brothers prayerfully discussed these pressing issues.
The wisdom of the Gospel is paradoxical in many ways. If you want to find peace, Jesus says, take and bear his yoke (Matthew 11:29). Most of the conference participants are mature and experienced ministers who have many years of civic work as well as church service. Therefore, the largest part of the conference was devoted to discussing problems related to spiritual service and service in the profession. If the basis of peace is bearing the yoke of Christ, then how can we avoid grumbling about difficulties? How to maintain your Christian testimony in different circumstances? What a Christian does in the civilian field should bear the mark of quality. Protestants have always been distinguished by their presence in their communities as qualified specialists in various fields and honest entrepreneurs.
With an excessive desire for high income and material wealth, church service will suffer. Concern for family and material well-being should not turn into a passion for covetousness, which will certainly lead to a violation of inner peace.
Ministers of the older generation are concerned about heated debates and disputes on theological topics among young people. Internet sources, a sea of books on biblical interpretation, and access to university education have significantly increased literacy levels and developed intellectual abilities. Filled with diverse information and knowledge, young minds are seeking new and creative approaches to service. The older generation, accustomed to the traditional way of life, wants to follow the well-worn track. It looks with caution at the innovative ideas bubbling among young people.
The conflict between fathers and children has been going since the beginning. It is at such venues, at rallies, seminars and conferences in joint prayer, in joint worship and calm, without strain, reflection that the severity of the conflict decreases. Here, experience is gained and the skills of listening to each other are acquired, thoughtfully analyzing the other’s point of view, and not just “waving sabers” and “cutting from the shoulder.”
Summing up the year, the conference discussed not only problematic issues, but also announced plans for the next year. Nikolai Zolotukhin, the responsible minister of the Kursk-Ryazan association and a long-term organizer of missionary service, spoke about the development of a strategy for creating missionary points not only in the Far North, but also in the central regions of Russia.
Personal and organized evangelism is the primary task of the Church. And any local church involved in missionary work suffers less from internal troubles and spiritual illnesses. As she fulfills Christ's Great Commission, she finds in Him inspiration and an inexhaustible source of peace and quiet.
Vladimir Popov