UECB VP of Missions Falsely Charged and Indicted As the Cause of a Fatal Traffic Accident

UECB VP of Missions Falsely Charged and Indicted As the Cause of a Fatal Traffic Accident

Pastor Ruvim Voloshin, vice president of missions of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists, has been indicted for allegedly causing a tragic traffic accident last October that killed a local police officer.

SGA family is asking for prayer on behalf of Pastor Ruvim Voloshin, vice president of missions of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christians-Baptists (UECB). Late last week, we received the troubling news that Ruvim has been indicted for allegedly causing a tragic traffic accident last October that killed a local police chief. It is expected that the prosecutorial process underway will result in a conviction and a five-year prison term. Since then, we have been trying to obtain as many details about the matter as possible before alerting you. Rule of law is often ignored in Russia, and it appears that this case is being fixed against Ruvim because a government official was drinking and caused the collision.

According to our UECB brothers, Ruvim was traveling near Moscow when an oncoming car traveling at a high rate of speed swerved into his lane. Ruvim tried to stop but there was a major collision, and the driver of the other car — the local police chief — was killed. The official reportedly had an open can of beer in his car, but the authorities claim that no alcohol was in the man’s bloodstream. Ruvim’s representatives are deeply troubled by how the “investigation” has proceeded . . .

“The inspector never reported the incident in any mass media, which is the general course of action in Russia when a high-ranking official or member of a defense agency is involved in an accident. Due to the fatality, criminal proceedings were initiated and Ruvim was stripped of his license, pending further investigation. The charges were filed and Ruvim was not permitted to defend himself against and arbitrary investigation, nor was he allow to actively participate in the collection and presentation of proof of his innocence.

“The authorities refused to allow tests by independent experts to establish the guilty party in the accident, and thus to speed the case through the Istrinsk Municipal Court in Moscow Oblast, where an innocent person would be given a harsh sentence. We believe this is a glaring injustice, and we want to make public the facts, and to gain a just and objective examination of these matters in court.”

The Russian legal system can be very confusing to Westerners. Ruvim himself wrote to me to share his concerns, and to convey his thanks for our prayers . . .

“The Lord is protecting us and grants His amazing peace. The pressure from the prosecutor’s office continues. Although he issued an accusatory conclusion that could ultimately result in a five-year prison term, the court could issue a conditional verdict requiring no prison time. The judge in charge is the same judge who took part in trying to stop the UECB Congress, and who tried to close one of our camps. I am waiting for preliminary hearings, and then the first full court hearing.

“All my lawyer’s objections to the prosecutor and investigator were declined without explanation. I showed the case against me to a prosecutor in another jurisdiction, and he called the case “complete nonsense.” There is peace in my heart, and I hope the Lord will give the fear of Him to my accusers so that they will not do foolish things. At any rate, I understand what country I am living in. This is our reality. As it is written, ‘in the place of judgment, wickedness was there.’

“As I understand, they want to make me guilty because I did not pay them a bribe, and because the state will provide a pension to the policeman’s family if he died in the course of his duty. I did not give a bribe because I am innocent. The Lord comforts me, and I am living according to His Word . . . ‘Be careful, keep calm and don’t be afraid’ (Isaiah 7:3-9). Thanks again for your prayers.”

Indeed, please keep praying for Ruvim and his family, and especially that the truth will come out in court. Pray that the Lord will restrain these attempts by the enemy to hinder the proclamation of the Gospel. We will keep you informed as we learn more.

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